Market Trends

Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – June 2018 Through the first half of the year Walla Walla’s Real Estate Market has experienced active sales, low inventory, and rising prices.  2017 was the second most active real estate market in Walla Walla’s MLS history but at the end of June, home sales were 6% ahead of last years pace.  June was the single busiest […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – May 2018 Strong buyer activity continued during the month of May in the Walla Walla Valley.  Closed homes sales slowed slightly from the previous month’s pace but May still became the 2nd busiest month of the year.  Thus far, annual home sales are 8% ahead of last years pace. Heading into summer, two important things to watch […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – April 2018   April became the most active month for real estate this year.  The month’s 77 home sales made it one of the busiest Aprils ever for the Walla Walla Valley.  By month end, closed home sales had surged 12% ahead of last years pace through the same reporting period. At the same time, enough new […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – March 2018   Sellers brought their homes to market in March and the buyers were ready. The Walla Walla Valley experienced a monthly increase in both home sales and listings. Exceptionally low inventory levels continued to put upward pressure on pricing. Walla Walla’s median sales price increased for the 2nd consecutive month to $238,000. Here is how […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – February 2018   Through the first two months of the year in the Walla Walla Valley, closed home sales have held steady with last years pace. Buyers were active during February with new contract signings; pending sales – homes under contract but not yet closed – grew by 17% over the previous month. However, buyers choices were […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – January 2018 An uptick in Walla Walla Valley home sales in the final three months of 2017 pulled down housing inventory to its lowest point in more than 15 years. But listing inventory improved a bit early in the year. Some sellers, wanting to capitalize on continued buyer demand, listed their homes early in January. As a […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate – 2017 Year End Report   2017 finished 2nd best for home sales in the Walla Walla Valley. The Walla Walla MLS (WWMLS) reported 799* home sales in 2017 finishing just 5% behind last years record setting pace. Low interest rates kept buyers active despite fewer homes on the market making 2017 the 2nd best year for home sales in […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – November 2017 With just one month left to report, Walla Walla’s real estate market has been characterized by three main trends. First, the pace of homes sales has been active. 2017 is poised to be the 2nd best market in the last 12 years – just 6% behind last year’s record setting pace. Secondly, listing inventory has […]
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Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – October 2017   October’s closed home sales rebounded from the previous month making it the third busiest closing month of the year for the Walla Walla Valley. Homes sales pulled within 8% of last years pace. October’s new listings replaced the number of homes that closed during the month keeping month-end numbers on par with the previous […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – September 2017 September’s closed home sales slowed in the Walla Walla Valley. At month’s end, closings were 12% below last years pace. As we have reported, the slowdown in existing sales has been the result of a supply problem not diminished demand. Listing inventory, especially for homes below $400,000, remained low. September ended with 13% fewer homes […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – August 2017   August tied June for the highest number of monthly closings this year in the Walla Walla Valley. Yet, home sale still lagged 9% behind last years pace. Lawrence Yun, NAR chief economist reports that feedback from Realtors continues to confirm that the slowdown in existing sales is the result of a supply problem and […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – July 2017 Monthly home sales slowed in the Walla Walla Valley, yet July became the 3rd busiest closing month of the year. Through the first 7 months of the year, Walla Walla’s home sales were 10% behind last years pace. Strong buyer demand has been hampered this year by a low supply of listings. The month ended […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – June 2017 June’s home sales surpassed May’s total to become the biggest closing month of the year. Home sales have been very healthy this year but have slowed a bit. At the halfway point of 2017, Walla Walla’s homes sales are 9% below last year’s record setting pace. The slowdown has been caused primarily by low listing […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – May 2017 More homes sold in May than any previous month this year in Walla Walla. Yet, through the first five months of the year, sales were still 8% behind last years record setting pace. The slow down was largely due to the low inventory levels Walla Walla has experienced through the first part of the year. […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – April 2017 Walla Walla’s listing inventory remained low through April. The month ended with 30% fewer listings than were available at the same time a year ago. Typically, listing inventory begins to build during the month of April, but the number of homes for sale has remained flat since the year began. New listings have occurred, however homes […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – March 2017 March’s home sales rebounded from the previous month in Walla Walla. However, first quarter closings were down 14% from the first quarter of last year. The year-over-year decline in home sales can be largely attributed to low inventory levels. Through the first quarter of the year, Walla Walla has experienced 21% fewer listings than were […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – February 2017 February’s home sales dropped in Walla Walla amid harsh winter weather and a declining housing inventory. Year-to-date closings were 12% below last year’s pace during the same period a year ago. Buyers also faced higher home prices and mortgage rates, yet, they stayed surprisingly active. New contract activity for homes not yet closed increased by approximately […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – January 2017   During the first month of 2017, Walla Walla homes sales increased while the number of homes listed for sale continued to drop. While listing inventory is typically low at the beginning of each year, it is particularly low this January. Most seller’s typically wait for spring to list their homes, but those who decide […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate – 2016 Year End Report   2016 was the most active year ever for real estate sales in the Walla Walla Valley. Here are the highlights: 1. Annual MLS home sales passed the 800 mark in the Walla Walla Valley for the first time. Low interest rates kept buyers active throughout the year in Walla Walla. The Walla Walla MLS […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – November 2016   November home sales in the Walla Walla Valley brought the annual total to within 15 sales of the record of 759 sales reached in 2005. With one month left to report, Walla Walla is certain to pass that milestone and become the most active year yet for real estate. At the current rate of […]