Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – June 2019 Walla Walla Valley’s pending homes sales continued to increase in June, a positive sign from the month’s minor sales dip. This increase in contract signings mirrored the national trend. Lawrence Yun, National Association of Realtors chief economist, credits lower-than-usual mortgage rates, “Rates of 4 %, and in some cases even lower, have created extremely attractive […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – May 2019 More sellers listed their homes for sale in May which brought a much-needed boost to the Walla Walla Valley’s listing inventory.  The number of listings grew 14% over the previous month and essentially equaled the number of homes available for sale 12 months ago.  Closed homes sales declined a bit from the previous month but […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – April 2019 Walla Walla valley’s real estate market sprung back to life in April. Homes sales surged 52% and listing inventory grew 9% over the previous month. However, given the slow first quarter, year-to-date sales remained 16% behind last years pace and the trend of year-over-year listing declines continued. At month’s end, there were 8% fewer homes […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – March 2019 Through the first part of the year, there were more buyers on the market than listings in the Walla Walla Valley.  Some buyers delayed their purchase decisions because they were unable to find what they were looking for.  At the first quarter end, both listings and sales had fallen 18% behind last years pace. The […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – February 2019 Walla Walla’s real estate market experienced an icy month.  Both listings and sales continued to decline and harsh winter conditions are partly to blame.  Many brokers reported that their sellers who wanted to list homes in February were waiting for the snow to melt so they could prepare their homes for market.  In addition, slippery […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – January 2019 The Walla Walla Valley’s real estate market got off to a slow start this year.  Home closings were 19% below last year’s pace and listing inventory remained historically low.  However, there were some encouraging signs; buyers continued to write contracts during the month and the pipeline of pending sales – homes under contract but not […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate -2018 Year End Report 2018 finished 2nd best for home sales in the Walla Walla Valley. Despite a slowing 4th quarter, the Walla Walla MLS (WWMLS) reported 807 home sales in 2018 and took ‘second-best year ever’ honors from 2017.  The most active home selling year in WWMLS’s history remains to be 2016 with 838 sales.  Although buyers experienced […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – November 2018 Despite low inventory, the Walla Walla Valley MLS is poised to have its second most active real estate year ever.  With one month to go, annual homes sales remained 4% ahead of last years pace.  Last year’s sales were second to the number that occurred in 2016.  While sustained listing inventory levels were extremely low […]
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Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – October 2018 With just two reporting months left in the year, 2018 is poised to be the second busiest real estate year in Walla Walla’s MLS history.  2016 currently holds the record for the most annual MLS home sales and 2017 holds the record for the second most.  Through October of this year, home sales were 4% ahead […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – September 2018 Walla Walla Valley home sales slowed in September which is typical during this time each year as many buyers focus on summer vacations and back to school activities. Inventory declined during the month and remained 8% below the number of homes listed for sale a year ago.  Low inventory levels have been caused, in part, […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – August 2018   Hot weather and smoky skies did not slow home sales in August.  The month tied June for the most monthly home sales of the year in the Walla Walla Valley.  But a decline in pending sales and an increase in listing inventory suggested the market had slowed just a bit.  Pending sales – homes […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – July 2018 Rising interest rates and home prices haven’t slowed buyer activity in the Walla Walla Valley yet.  July was the 2nd busiest month of the year for closed home sales.  At month end, annual homes sales were 8% ahead of last years pace. Just enough listings came on the market in July to replenish the inventory […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – June 2018 Through the first half of the year Walla Walla’s Real Estate Market has experienced active sales, low inventory, and rising prices.  2017 was the second most active real estate market in Walla Walla’s MLS history but at the end of June, home sales were 6% ahead of last years pace.  June was the single busiest […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – May 2018 Strong buyer activity continued during the month of May in the Walla Walla Valley.  Closed homes sales slowed slightly from the previous month’s pace but May still became the 2nd busiest month of the year.  Thus far, annual home sales are 8% ahead of last years pace. Heading into summer, two important things to watch […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – April 2018   April became the most active month for real estate this year.  The month’s 77 home sales made it one of the busiest Aprils ever for the Walla Walla Valley.  By month end, closed home sales had surged 12% ahead of last years pace through the same reporting period. At the same time, enough new […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – March 2018   Sellers brought their homes to market in March and the buyers were ready. The Walla Walla Valley experienced a monthly increase in both home sales and listings. Exceptionally low inventory levels continued to put upward pressure on pricing. Walla Walla’s median sales price increased for the 2nd consecutive month to $238,000. Here is how […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – February 2018   Through the first two months of the year in the Walla Walla Valley, closed home sales have held steady with last years pace. Buyers were active during February with new contract signings; pending sales – homes under contract but not yet closed – grew by 17% over the previous month. However, buyers choices were […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – January 2018 An uptick in Walla Walla Valley home sales in the final three months of 2017 pulled down housing inventory to its lowest point in more than 15 years. But listing inventory improved a bit early in the year. Some sellers, wanting to capitalize on continued buyer demand, listed their homes early in January. As a […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate – 2017 Year End Report   2017 finished 2nd best for home sales in the Walla Walla Valley. The Walla Walla MLS (WWMLS) reported 799* home sales in 2017 finishing just 5% behind last years record setting pace. Low interest rates kept buyers active despite fewer homes on the market making 2017 the 2nd best year for home sales in […]
Market Trends Walla Walla Real Estate Update – November 2017 With just one month left to report, Walla Walla’s real estate market has been characterized by three main trends. First, the pace of homes sales has been active. 2017 is poised to be the 2nd best market in the last 12 years – just 6% behind last year’s record setting pace. Secondly, listing inventory has […]